Dear Rock,
I have the event log file already. How do I upload here?
I cannot find any messages from the sender in Message Tracking Center...
Forrest Lo
Thanks for your reply.
1.Start Exchange System Manager.
2.Expand Servers, right-click Your_ Server_Name, and then click Properties.
3.Click the Diagnostics Logging tab, and then click MSExchangeTransport under Services.
4.Under Categories, click the category that you want to log.
5.Under Logging Level, click the appropriate logging level for the issue that you are investigating, set logging level to maximum.
6.Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each category.
7.Reproduce the issue,
8.Open Event Viewer, right-click Application, save the log file as .evt file; send it to the newsgroup for further research.
Additional, you can track the message by using the Message Tracking Center, you must
1.Start Exchange System Manager.
2.Expand Servers, right-click the server that you want to use message tracking on, and then click Properties.
3.On the General tab, click to select the Enable message tracking check box.
This option logs information about the sender, the time the message was sent or received, the message size and priority, and the message recipients.
4.In the Exchange System Manager dialog box, click OK.
5.To record the subject of any message sent to, from, or through the server, click to select the Enable Subject Logging and Display check box.
6.Send a test message from the specific domain to reproduce the issue,
7.In the console tree, expand Tools, and then click Message Tracking Center.
8.In the Server box, type the name of the server that is running Exchange 2003.
9.Input the recipient that can’t receive the message, click find,
10.Double click the result in the below, send the screenshot of it to the newsgroup.
How to troubleshoot for Exchange Server 2003 transport issues
For more information about using Message Tracking Center, please refer to the following documents
Using the Message Tracking Center to track a message in Exchange Server
Hope this helps.
Best Regards,
Rock Wang
Microsoft Online Support
Microsoft Global Technical Support Center
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